Established with an intention of unfolding the Huge and Hard Rock of job scarcity, staff finding and function management of individuals as well as entrepreneurs, we outstand with the unique feature of End To End solution i.e employer & employee. We specialized in recognizing the quality of job provider & qualification of the job seeker. We intend to provide Right personnel for Right Company.
We believe, the significance is in placing any individual in the place or position where one can grow gradually with joyfulness than finding the job only. We go by a thought “longevity of job is more reliable than the temporary solution of financial problem”.
Karma is associated with skill so we provide the trainings of different faculty (computer, Montessori etc) to enhance the skill of individual to make him/her competitive in this wild world of job hunter.
Moreover we are basically established and growing in Recruitment, HR faculty and placement sector. We guarantee you that we are the perfect footstep for you to lead you through your professional journey. Come join us and explore the unexpected adventure of your hassle free career world.
We started our organization on 2014. Since then we have provided our service to hundreds of individual and institutions. We are associated with sectors like Hotels, Spa, School, College, engineering consultancies, construction companies, product distributors (wholesalers) , security companies etc.